Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Richland Bomber Booster Tee
 Posted by Hello

Proud of the Cloud Summerwear

The Tri-Cities (Richland-Pasco-Kennewick) in Washington State is home to the Hanford Site, the nuclear reservation established as part of the Manhattan Project. Plutonium manufactured there was used in constructing Fat Man, the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. The Richland High School team is The Bombers complete with mushroom cloud logos. Shirts and other alumni geegaws are available from the Bomber Boosters and Club 40. The latter has a glow in the dark design. Presumably the WMD design is exempted from Richland High School's dress code banning "Clothing or accessories with offensive pictures, symbols or sayings."

Bomber Booster Shirts

Club 40 Shirts