Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Axis of Evil Spinner

Terror in the comfort of your living room

Secular or spiritual, it's your choice. War On Terror: The Board Game has been banned from British department stores, condemned by the media, and forced to relocate its warehouse operation three times in five months. You can be either terrorists or the Empire and seek to dominate and/or liberate the world. More (or less) mainstream and available at Wal-Mart is Left Behind: Eternal Forces, based on the evangelical Left Behind series of books. You can join the Christian Tribulation Force (or the Antichrist's Global Community Peacekeepers) and try to kill your way to the top of the post-Rapture world. With either game you can taunt your (real-life) opponents with Terrorism Finger Puppets. For Apple users there's always Lamprey Systems' free vintage downloads of Mormonoids From The Deep or MacSpudd!

War On Terror, The Board Game

Left Behind Games

Left Behind: Eternal Forces

Terrorism Finger Puppets

Lamprey Systems