Is Florence Foster Jenkins the worst singer?
This month the List Universe posted their Top 10 Incredible Recordings. You can click on the links to stream them or right click to save the links as mp3 files. The eclectic list includes Florence Nightingale, the first recording of human voices, a Nazi propagandist, and a castrato to name but a few. It also has the highest recorded sung note (although Guiness says this record is held by Brazilian pop singer Georgia Brown). There's also a Russian exorcism and the last thirty minutes of Jonestown. As an eleventh item they've included The Sounds of Hell, which is a hoax, but was a viral hit on the net a few years back. Actually What the Hell is Hell? has genuine photos of Hell. And check out List Universe's Top 10 Historic Radio Broadcasts.
Top 10 Incredible Recordings
Georgia Brown's High Notes
What the Hell is Hell?
Top 10 Historic Radio Broadcasts
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