The Week Behind circa March 28, 1997
The Wayback Machine
Last month there were bloglinks around about the Government guide to destroying old Woodsy Owl costumes including the mandatory oversight of an official USDA Forest Service law enforcement officer. Unfortunately the offending page had been removed by the powers that be at symbols.gov. Enter the Wayback Machine, the name for the Internet Archive's snapshot archives of the World Wide Web. The Internet Archive can help you locate removed pages, rotted links, and classics like ancient Week Behind pages. They also archive multimedia like Duck and Cover, Reefer Madness, and Battleship Potemkin. Denizens of the Sixties will remember the original Wayback Machine was in The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show.
Internet Archive: Wayback Machine
Alas Poor Woodsy
Hokey Smoke! Rocky and Bullwinkle
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