Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Heliocentrism as Darwinism
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First Genesis, now Geocentrism...

As the Intelligent Designers have expounded upon their scientific doubts about evolution, their target has expanded to include heliocentrism. It is the Earth that is the center of the universe and it does not move. Certain Biblical passages and statements of Church Fathers and various Popes is used to justify their belief. Einstein et al helped resurrect the issue in that there is no evidence that the universe has any center, and the concepts of center and absolute motion are not clearly defined anyway. Pay no attention to the eccentric epicyclical motion of planets in retrograde. I like the conjecture that Johannes Kepler poisoned his mentor Tycho Brahe.

The Earth Is Not Moving

Modern geocentrism


5 years of the epicyclic motions of the Sun, Mars, Mercury, and Venus

Brahe poisoned