Tuesday, April 26, 2005

When the milking gets tough, the tough get milking... Posted by Hello

Cow-catching on the web

The cream of the creative art crop this week is BOVINEUNITE.COM. Learn all about the coming revolt of the bossies. And what will happen on C-Day (5/5) and why should I tune into the networks between 8:45 and 9:00 p.m.? If you're pro-cow you can identify yourself as a fellow traveler with an odorless hand dipped manure stained tee from Cow Chip Shirts or by adorning your e-mail with classic pre-web e-mail smiley-like cow glyphs from Table of Cow-ntents.


Cow Chip Shirts

Table of Cow-ntents

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Underpass Mary Posted by Hello

Internet Escatology

Well, I couldn't find a website for Underpass Mary (under the Fullerton 90/94 underpass) and the Rogers Park Bus Stop Mary is fading. So you'll have to settle for the Rapture Index (simmering at 155); Which Religion is Right for my Complexion?; and Unusual Churches (from the Church of the SubGenius through to the Church of Least Resistance). Last but not least, the live Messiahcam where you can watch for Jesus' foretold return through the Golden Gate in Jerusalem .

Rapture Index

Which Religion is Right for my Complexion?

Unusual Churches


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Pinky and the Brain Posted by Hello

Want to lord it over your fellow man?

Start by defining your dominion. To Rule the Earth... enumerates the 25 largest states/empires in history. The Brits at #1 controlled 25% of the habitable globe. Who knew Canada is bigger than Rome ever was... Avoid the common pitfalls of your career choice by visiting Peter's Evil Overlord List and read "The Top 100 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord". Frustrated in your ambition? Then consider geocide and use Sam's Archive to formulate your plan of how to destroy the Earth.

To Rule the Earth...

Peter's Evil Overlord List

Sam's Archive

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Monty Python's Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch Posted by Hello

Wages of Sin?

Wanna bet who will appear at the central window in St. Peter's Basilica accepting the call of Habemus Papam? At least three online betting sites offer wagering on who will be the next Pope. Italian Dionigi Tettamanzi is the current favorite with a Nigerian and a Brazilian filling out the trifecta. Betfair in London claims $81,000 in bets so far. Pinnacle Sports in Curacao also allows bets on the age and geographic origin of the next pope. Ireland's Paddy Power is also taking bets on what name the new Pope will choose. I don't think you can bet Hell Money.


Pinnacle Sports

Paddy Power

Hell Money

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Digital Sundial Posted by Hello

Spring Forward

Get serious with The official U.S. time website; or indulge yourself with timewasting links at Internet Clocks, Counters, and Countdowns. Get creative with your right brain and post your time photo to The Human Clock; or give up on analog and go left brain at Digital Sundials International.

The official U.S. time

Internet Clocks, Counters, and Countdowns

The Human Clock

Digital Sundials International