Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Katrina with scalar EM pulses Posted by Picasa

Japanese Mafia Caused Katrina

An Idaho KPVI-TV meteorologist, Scott Stevens, says the Yakuza used Russian scalar electromagnetic generators to create Hurricane Katrina. The woodpecker grid, which has weather modification capabilities, was reportedly switched on in the Soviet Union on July 4th 1976. Stevens became convinced of the existence of the Russian device when he observed an unusual Montana cold front in 2004. Where's Project Stormfury when we need it?

Weather Wars by Scott Stevens

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Canis Hymenoptera Posted by Picasa

Putting On the Dog

Beedog creator Gina Zycher found the picture of "Aster" above by accident doing an image search. Stung by the aesthetic she found more beedogs and her collection went public last month. She's got dozens and she's trolling for more. Monday was "Talk Like a Pirate Day", will this Halloween be the "Year of the Beedog"?


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

RU Explosive? Posted by Picasa

Your own voice on animated e-mail attachments...

Cadbury Adams has a new online viral marketing campaign to promote Bubblicious. Users animate characters online with their own voice which they can forward this to their friends. Select your favorite character and change accessories on them, then call a toll-free number and leave a personal message, which is turned into a WAV file that will be automatically lipsynched with the chosen character. Virtual tupperware, net based viral marketing continues to get more mainstream as with Burger King's The Subservient Chicken. Want more viral memetics? Check out Lycos Cheeky Emails, IFILM Viral Videos, and AOL Viral Videos; or just wait for the astroturfing in the mid-term elections.


Subservient Chicken

Lycos Cheeky Emails

IFILM Viral Videos

AOL Entertainment: Viral Videos

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Pitch Drop Experiment Posted by Picasa

Intelligently Designed Experiments

In the 1980s, the European Journal of Physics described three experiments that had been continuing for decades. The newest was the pitch drop viscosity experiment at the University of Queensland (begun in 1927). Since then a single drop has fallen about every nine years. There is a pitch drop web site and live web cam. The oldest experiment is reputedly the Oxford University electric bell which began ringing in 1840; with the original battery still providing barely sufficient electro-chemical energy. The third experiment, the Beverly clock at the University of Otago, has been running without additional winding since 1864. Information on all three experiments can be found at the Annals of Improbable Research (AIR) website, where you can also subscribe to the treeware AIR or the e-mail mini-AIR.

pitch drop web site

pitch drop web cam

HotAIR - The Latest on Long-Running Experiments