Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Head Flick or Half-Binky

The Language of Lagomorphs

Someone has been spending too much time with Marvin and Betsy and creating a website of Bunese i.e. "what your rabbit is saying and how to speak back". Sounds and body language. Learn what shivering means; along with wobbling ears, wincing eyes, and the enigmatic Lambchop Stance. And, believe it or don't, not a single "What's up Doc?" joke.

Language of Lagomorphs

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

USBC Pin & Ball


Who knew that the Milwaukee suburbs was home to a climate-controlled bowling test center and "Harry", the robotic ball thrower? You can see Harry immortalized in "When Harry Met Alley" or perhaps by visiting the United States Bowling Congress (USBC) in Greendale. Harry is a member of the USBC's Specifications and Certification team which just wrapped up a two-year study of bowling ball motion because "over the past 20 years, bowling's credibility has been compromised". Hint: look for particle and reactive resin balls with elliptical cores or the Rotogrip (banned from the PBA Tour). Although Detroit has more bowlers, Milwaukee is arguably the bowling capital of the United States. Besides the home of the USBC it was the original home of the International Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame (until Anheuser-Busch stole it away to St. Louis). Wisconsin is also home to four of the five oldest active certified alleys and has over 14,000 bowling leagues. Back to Harry, he stands 7 ft in height and can throw the ball at speeds up to 22 mph and revolution rates as high as 600 rpm. However, in 2005, Harry was no match for Defending Masters champion, Danny Wiseman of Baltimore, who defeated "Harry" 5-1 in a race to five strikes. No word on whether Harry used an Ebonite Skull Ball or the rumored rematch with the USBC Pin & Ball.

When Harry Met Alley

The United States Bowling Congress

Bowling research strikes skill and technology balance

The International Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame

Ebonite Skull Ball

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Le Voyage Dans La Lune (1902)

The Moon does not exist!

Last week I told you about a NASA website where you could send your name to the moon. But The Mad Revisionist claims that the moon is a propaganda hoax and reveals the supposed "facts" about the alleged "moon" that the AC (Astronomically Correct) establishment would have you believe. Besides everyone knows the lunar landing was a hoax.

The Mad Revisionist

Open Directory: Hoaxes: Lunar Landing

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The DC Madam's name has already been submitted

Send Your Name to the Moon

It may be an obvious attempt by aliens to harvest human names for future experimentation. NASA invites you to send your name to the moon. Your name will be included in a database contained on a microchip and placed aboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft. You also get a certificate suitable for framing or forwarding. The names will fly in a polar orbit for a mission of one to five Earth years at an altitude of 50 kilometers after which they will presumably crash somewhere on the moon (for easy retrieval by the aliens). The LRO will create a
comprehensive 3-D sub-meter resolution atlas of the moon for the design of NASA's planned lunar outpost and will also search for polar volatiles like water ice and hydrogen. Curiously, there's no mention of fusion fuel Helium-3 or the Space Nazis seen in Iron Sky.

NASA - Send Your Name to the Moon With New Lunar Mission

NASA - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter


Iron Sky trailer

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Crayon Skull (posted on my birthday)

Webby Awards

The 12th Annual Webby Award winners and nominees have been announced. Included in the scores of webpages linked is Skull-A-Day and passive-aggressive (and just plain aggressive) notes. The Webbies is a good place to find recognized websites you haven't discovered yet and all the nominees and winners back to 1987 are there.

12th Annual Webby Awards


passive-aggressive (and just plain aggressive) notes