Thursday, June 30, 2005

Giant Muskie in Wisconsin
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Road Trip

Some links for your summer excursion planning:

Roadside America

Hidden America

Ohio Barns

Weird Wisconsin

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

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Automotive Mudslinging.....

So you bought the 4x4 to look sportutilitarian; but your urban weekending is limited to trekking kids, navigating speedbumps, and expeditions to the malls. No need to betray your urbanity to the neighbors and fellow commuters. Sprayonmud to the rescue. A few squirts and your off-road mystique is intact. And no need to get your hands dirty mucking about in your yard or potted plants. Marketed by a British e-tailer for about $14.50 for 0.85 quarts; bottled Sprayonmud is genuine Shropshire dirt water filtered to remove any stones and other damaging debris, and chemically treated to improve stickability so that it dries before it runs off the paintwork. The website points out that it is illegal to use the spray to obscure a vehicle's license plate, but the product label does depict an unreadable plate. Not suitable for Marian underpass graffiti.

Sprayonmud Products

Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Flybar (Extreme Pogo Stick)
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Cool Tools

Cool Tools is the creation of Kevin Kelly, a latter day editor of Whole Earth Review (nee Co-Evolution Quarterly) and Whole Earth Catalogs; and founding executive editor of Wired magazine. Cool Tools is the virtual evolution of a Whole Earth Catalog: books, software, videos, maps, implements, instruments, gadgets, hardware, websites, or gear that are useful or just cool. It's a website and a weekly e-mail list (if you prime the pump by suggesting a tool). It's also a book available as treeware from Amazon or as a PDF from the website. (Thanks to pisicapturist Steve Golden for this one)

Kevin Kelly -- Cool Tools

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

FRBs at the Hash House in 1938 Posted by Hello


Under the heading of sports that owe their current popularity to the web is "the world's most eccentric running club." The World Hash House Harriers professes over 1700 groups in every major city in the world. The Origin of the Hash is a club started by British expatriates in Malaysia. A non-competitive run where hasher hares run out in advance of the pack of hasher hounds setting a course marked by white flour, paper, and/or chalk marks leading to the "On After" and the "Down Down". For hash virgins, the Middle Georgia Hash House Harriers and Harriettes has a hash lingo dictionary and the Seletar Hash House Harriers has a good rules page. "A Drinking Club with a Running Problem" the Chicago Hash House Harriers' next Chicago run is Monday June 13. Don't be DFL.

World Hash House Harriers

Origin of the Hash

Hash Lingo

Seletar Hash House Harriers, Singapore

Chicago Hash House Harriers Home Page

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Richland Bomber Booster Tee
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Proud of the Cloud Summerwear

The Tri-Cities (Richland-Pasco-Kennewick) in Washington State is home to the Hanford Site, the nuclear reservation established as part of the Manhattan Project. Plutonium manufactured there was used in constructing Fat Man, the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. The Richland High School team is The Bombers complete with mushroom cloud logos. Shirts and other alumni geegaws are available from the Bomber Boosters and Club 40. The latter has a glow in the dark design. Presumably the WMD design is exempted from Richland High School's dress code banning "Clothing or accessories with offensive pictures, symbols or sayings."

Bomber Booster Shirts

Club 40 Shirts