Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Daddle Up! Posted by Picasa


For parents of children ages 2-6 (and perhaps other equimanic demographics), a kid-sized saddle for definitive horsie rides. The Daddle is washable cotton with saddle horn and adjustable stirrups. There's an optional stuffed pillow toy Daddle Pony and even foam kneepads. You'll have to supply your own Bit and Martingale for Dad. Check out the Spa Dog Wraps elsewhere in their online catalog.

Cashel Daddle

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A Frontbender
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Limber Links

Possi's Contortion Site. Frontbenders, backbenders, splits, oversplits, enterology, dislocations, and golliwogs. A trove of contortion, flexibility, double-jointed, circus, yoga, and acrobatics websites. There's even links to "contortion related paysites" (who knew?).

Possi's Contortion Site

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Ultimate Water Gun
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Summer Splash

Beyond the dime (dollar) store squirt gun the market is dominated by Hasbro Super Soakers. This year's top of the line have ranges up to 35 feet and prices up to thirty dollars: the Flash Flood Blaster can toss a pint at once as well as 19 ounces in a steady stream, the Max Infusion Overload has a 100 ounce attached backpack, and the Oozinator has a 10 ounce ooze capacity along with a 27 ounce water tank. For bragging rights, the legendary CPS 2000 can still be found on eBay for a couple hundred dollars. Buzz Bee Toys also has a motorized air pressured Water Warriors Scorpion with a 50 ounce capacity. Still not satisfied, then build your own Ultimate Water Gun. For you aquapacifists there's always the Waterfalls of the Great Lakes Region and Beyond website.

Flash Flood Blaster

Max Infusion Overload


Water Warriors - Scorpion

How to Build an Ultimate Water Gun

Waterfalls of the Great Lakes Region and Beyond

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sunset at KFYR-TV in Bismarck ND Posted by Picasa

Eternal Sunset

Trying to bring you the sunset live from any location, at any time. As the sunset moves westward, Eternal Sunset chases it around the globe using 183 west-facing webcams across 37 countries.

Eternal Sunset

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Mary on a bank building window in Clearwater, Florida.
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Holy flapjacks!

Speaking of hypertext transfer protocol standard response codes yesterday I got a 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded (indicative of an at least temporarily overpopular website). This one was Jesus Pan (made from durable steel and topped with a non-stick coating). Perfect for holiday meals or making your own eBayable pareidolia. 2 pans for $41.98 including shipping and handling. For low rent cookery there's instructions at

Jesus Pan

Religious pareidolia

Your own personal Jesus toast