The Bubble Wrap Wedding Dress
Bubble wrap turned fifty this month
It was invented by accident in 1957 when two engineers tried to make textured wallpaper. They soon incorporated Sealed Air, now worth millions. Bubble wrap is also an irresistible stress reliever. For digital relief there's the original Virtual Bubblewrap. Me, I prefer UK Yahoo's version, especially the Fresh Sheet function. Bubble wrap may have turned fifty; but fans of the British Science Fiction show Red Dwarf know that it will be another 150 years before Fred "Thickie" Holden invents the Tension Sheet (nothing but a square of bubble wrap painted red) and becomes the richest man in the universe. For you fpdimages sells Tension Sheets. So do you prefer the finger single pop, the crushing multi-pop, or the wrap yourself rolling-pop? For the later there's BubbleWrap BodyWear.
Bubble Wrap Brand Packaging - Sealed Air
Virtual Bubblewrap
Tension Sheets!
BubbleWrap BodyWear