aka cat macros
Captioned cat acquired taste at best. They were first noticeable as an internet fad at the beginning of the year and if you haven't seen them yet you will. lolcats derive from the acronym LOL (laughing out loud) and cat (although the phenomena has now branched out to guinea pigs, human presidents, and an occasional stray dog). lolcats originated as image macros used to automatically append captioned images to postings in message-board threads. The typical lolcat is a kitten photo with a large superimposed sans serif caption. lolcats are commonly holding invisible objects and asking for food (often a cheeseburger). lolcat captions are usually commentary from the cat, or a scenic description. Captions are written in a misspelled Yoda-like grammar-poor baby-talk tween-texty geek-speak now known as lolcode or kitty pidgin. A typical caption is a snowclone of the form "in your X Y-ing your Z." Too cute for me, I miss the good old days when the members of alt.tasteless invaded and trolled rec.pets.cats in the pre-dotcon era.
I can has cheezburger?
tEh caTs!!
Meme Cats
LolCat Builder