Wednesday, March 26, 2008


The Latest Internet Memes

A meme is a unit of cultural information that propagates from one mind to another as a theoretical unit of cultural evolution and diffusion. Typical internet memes can be images, video, themes, or catchphrases. The context ranges from pranksterism and humor to inadvertent celebrity, urban rumor, and hoax to self-promotion and viral marketing. Fads and sensations grow rapidly on the internet because its instant communication facilitates word of mouth. Commonly known internet memes are dancing babies, Leekspin, All Your Base Are Belong To Us, lolcats, and the Star Wars kid. More memes can be found at The Ultimate Meme Database and the Urban Dictionary. Recent memes include Don't Tase Me Bro', the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and the latest, You Just Got Rickroll'd. Rickrolling took its name from an anonymous message board meme known as duckrolling, a prank in which someone would post a blind link to a post, allegedly relevant to the discussion, that upon viewing would prove to be a non sequitur - specifically, an image of a duck on wheels. Rickrolling involves using a link to one specific video. Last month, Project Chanology performed a live rickrolling of the Church of Scientology at protests in New York, Washington, London, Edinburgh, and Seattle.

Leekspin dot info

The Ultimate Meme Database

Urban Dictionary

Hillary slapping Barrack Obama!!!

You have been Rickroll'd

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Billy Beer at the Novelty Transistor Radio Museum

Web Rings

Web Rings or webrings have been around since the early dotcom boom days. Websites sharing a common theme or interest link to each other using special software. The photo above came from a site belonging to the Unusual Museums of the Internet ring. I found that ring and the others below by searching for phrases containing "ring" or "webring".

Unusual Museums of the Internet

Stereoscopic 3D Web Ring

PEZ Community

Tiki Sites

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Of course "Mr. White" is on backorder

Leggo my LEGO, or else

Newly formed Brickarms is your source for unauthorized LEGO weapons, weapon packs, and minifigs. If humanscale LEGO danger is your inclination pick up a copy of Forbidden LEGO and build the models your parents warned you against. Forbidden LEGO model videos can be found on YouTube along with other LEGO Second Amendment statements like the LEGO Shot Gun. LK Machines has online instructions for some LEGO weaponry. Ready to build? The BrickLink Reference Catalog has 14,400 LEGO parts.


Forbidden LEGO

LEGO Shot Gun

LK Machines Lego Guns and Instructions

BrickLink Reference Catalog

Monday, March 03, 2008

Cthulhu: Why Settle For The Lesser Evil?

Widening the Field

The week begins with a main stream media field of six candidates Clinton, Gravel, Huckabee, McCain, Obama, and Paul. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Politics1 lists more than eighty third party and independent candidates (including Prohibition Party candidate Gene Amondson), but they don't include the draft movements like We Want Newt! (complete with a new, improved 21st Century Contract for America). In fact the terms "for president" and "2008" appear in the title of 716,000 webpages according to Google. There's borderline parodies like Frank Moore's Just Make Sense Party, for a Rich White America, and Jack Grimes of the United Fascist Union (although they do have an address in Elkton, Maryland which has been home to KKK rallies as recently as recently as 1992). For genuine evil you can't go wrong with Cthulhu for president. Novelist H.P. Lovecraft's alien god, "Cthulhu for President" gets 47,000 Google hits. The Home Page for Evil assures Cthulhu voters that they will die last. The Elder Party has the better logo (see above) along with a presence on myspace, friendster, and facebook. Want warm and fuzzy? For Clinton dynasts there's Socks for President in 2008, there's a Hamster for President, and even Barney for President (not the dinosaur); although Barney the Corgi does look pretty evil.


Prohibition Party Candicate for President 2008

We Want Newt!

Frank Moore For President 2008

United Fascist Union

The Home Page for Evil

The Elder Party

Socks for President in 2008

Hamster for President Campaign

Barney for President