Thursday, March 30, 2006

desktopblues Posted by Picasa

Swiss (.ch) Blues

Simple, self-explanatory, and fairly addicting...once page has loaded, click on "click here" to play...


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Bonsai Kitten
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Internet Hoaxes and Urban Legends

So like most people I got a half dozen e-mails this month about the terrors of Formosan Termites in Mulch swarming my way from New Orleans wood chippers. So is it a scam, hoax, urban legend? Me, I use the exact phrase function on engine and load a sample phrase from the e-mail (eg "showing up in Home Depot and Lowes at dirt cheap prices") and check to see if it's bona fide or bogus. Formosan Termites...highly improbable. E-mail hoaxes come in all varieties (like photos of sharks attacking helicopters) and can forward themselves around in cyberspace for years (like the IBM "mouse balls" memo circa 1989). Don't feel bad if you outsmarted yourself forwarding something, even the FBI went after the hoax website Looking for reputable resources to separate out the chaff, try:



About Urban Legends


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Heliocentrism as Darwinism
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First Genesis, now Geocentrism...

As the Intelligent Designers have expounded upon their scientific doubts about evolution, their target has expanded to include heliocentrism. It is the Earth that is the center of the universe and it does not move. Certain Biblical passages and statements of Church Fathers and various Popes is used to justify their belief. Einstein et al helped resurrect the issue in that there is no evidence that the universe has any center, and the concepts of center and absolute motion are not clearly defined anyway. Pay no attention to the eccentric epicyclical motion of planets in retrograde. I like the conjecture that Johannes Kepler poisoned his mentor Tycho Brahe.

The Earth Is Not Moving

Modern geocentrism


5 years of the epicyclic motions of the Sun, Mars, Mercury, and Venus

Brahe poisoned

Monday, March 06, 2006

Peephenge Sacrifice Posted by Picasa

Power to the Peeps

It's Eostremonat and time for the Osterhase; and in America that means candy, and 700 million marshmallow Peeps. The Big List of Peeps Links has a bellyache full of links: there's FAQs, factory tours, Wham-O Peep Makers, Peep-Off results, Peep-O-Nauts, Peeps From Hell, any manner of destructive Peeps Research, Deep Fried Peeps, Peeps Smores; and if that isn't enough, links to The Marshmallow Peeps Webring. If endorphin releasers is your epiphany, at Chocolate Deities you can order any number of edible Gods and Goddesses. For the sucrophobic you can contemplate your displaced guilt at the Seven Gummie Sins or check out The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse.

Big List of Peeps Links


Chocolate Deities

The Seven Gummie Sins

The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Hartwig's Gobbler Supper Club in Johnson Creek that never was...
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The Truth About Wisconsin

The Innocent state that isn't... Now that you know you are in on a vast government conspiracy. Area 51, Aliens, Al Gore... The image and survey links are broken, coincidence? The e-mail link is to; used to an astronomy website and now it's "openWineDB coming soon!", coincidence? Conor Mancone used to work at the Arecibo Observatory, where data is collected for the SETI@home project, coincidence? I always thought there was something funny about Fossland...

The Truth About Wisconsin