Monday, July 28, 2008

Minimalist (and Emo) Cuil

Lose Google

Just unveiled today is Cuil (predictably pronounced "cool"). It's billed as the world's biggest search engine with three times as many as Google and ten times as many as Microsoft. Cuil is managed and developed largely by former employees of Google. Cuil is an old Irish word for knowledge (and hazel). Unlike Google, Cuil's privacy policy claims that it does not store records of users' search activity or IP addresses. Google's anti-privacy practices is why I switched to Ixquick Metasearch two years ago. Ixquick is the world's most powerful metasearch engine which searches many popular search engines (anonymously) at the same time and then returns the top ten results from each. Ixquick was the first search engine to delete private details of its users within 48 hours of a search. Ixquick also does not share its users' personal information with other search engines or with the provider of its sponsored results. In fact earlier this month Ixquick was awarded the first European Union-sponsored Privacy Seal (EuroPriSe) for its privacy practices.


Ixquick Metasearch

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I think I could take more than 13

How Many Five Year Olds Could You Take in a Fight?

Take a short survey and find out how many kindergarteners you could KO. "Results are based on physical prowess, training, swarm-combatting experience, and the flexibility of your moral compass."

How Many Five Year Olds Could You Take in a Fight?

Monday, July 14, 2008

Go analog...


Turn your video into a flipbook. Upload a video under 30 seconds in length and get a flipbook made of it for as little as $8.99. Three sizes are available.


Monday, July 07, 2008

Don't forget to tell them to retrieve your car...

They've Been Left Behind!

"You've Been Left Behind gives you one last opportunity to reach your lost family and friends." If you're a Christian; when the Rapture happens, you and millions of your fellow believers will rise to heaven, suddenly disappearing from the face of the Earth. Armageddon has begun. Your "lost" family and friends are in for seven years of tribulation. Maybe they'll be too busy battling (or serving) the Antichrist to check their e-mail. But if they do, they can be reached by you via For $40 a year, you can maintain an e-mail list of up to 62 people who would be notified; and you can store encrypted electronic documents (to be released to up to 12 nonbelievers of your choice), such as locations of valuables, PIN numbers and powers of attorney. Remember, your body will be gone so you can save your next of kin seven years of probate court. The e-mails will be triggered when three of the site's five Christian staffers "scattered around the U.S." fail to log in for six days in a row. Presumably they've hired some unrepentant sinners to maintain their servers so your loved ones can better access your assets and prepare for their own salvation in the coming Post-Tribulation Rapture.

You've Been Left Behind