Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Camouflage Print Pajamas

Complete with drop down seat...

Jumpin Jammerz sells adult-sized footed pajamas. Just in time for Halloween, the Winter chill, or recession-induced infantile regression.

Jumpin Jammerz

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Now Nicolas Sarkozy I can understand...

Signs of Satan!

Well known people showing off The Horned Hand or The Mano Cornuto (i.e. the hand signal which represents Satan). Now Dubya and family claim it is the University of Texas Longhorns "hook 'em horns" symbol. And some say it's just the deaf hand signal of the phrase, "I love you." Now beyond the Bushes they have the usual suspects like Dick Cheney, Dan Quayle, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Yasser Arafat, and McDonalds CEOs. But it is hard to believe that all these folks are UT fans or ASL signing. I mean, Silvio Berlusconi, Prince William, Spider Man, and Pat Robertson? After all, one of The Council On Foreign Relations symbols is a naked man on a white stead giving the horned hand signal and Helen Keller was an occultist and Theosophist.

Signs of Satan!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Horror...

Looking to get your scare on?

To find a real haunted house or haunted house attraction in your area try one of the following. Most of these sites have linked maps to make your search easier. HauntedHouses.com features both real and simulated haunted houses while HauntWorld features the latter. For more real haunted house locations try RealHaunts or Shadowlands Haunted Places.




Shadowlands Haunted Places

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Sad Guys on Trading Floors

Stock Market Schadenfreude

Photoblogging the global financial tsunami and "turning the economic crisis into one of those clever internet memes."

Sad Guys on Trading Floors

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Portable Rotary Phone

Dial someone up on your cellphone

Sparkfun's Port-O-Rotary puts a full mobile phone inside a vintage rotary phone. It has a functional rotary dial, it rings with the original metallic bells, and it even has a dial tone. All you have to do is open the phone, insert your SIM card, and turn it on. It will utilize your phone number and work in North American and Europe. The internal battery is charged by an external jack on the rear of the phone (the charger is built-in). It weighs in at 2 pounds and is a bit pricey at $199.95, but imagine the looks you'll get walking down the street while talking on one of these.

SparkFun Electronics - Portable Rotary Phone