A monetary 404 image

Link Rot
The 404 or Not Found error message is an hypertext transfer protocol standard response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server either could not find the file that was requested, or it was configured not to fulfill the request and not reveal the reason why. When sending a 404, web servers usually include a prosaic HTML document that mentions both the numeric code and this string. Comic 404s soon followed the first 404 pages along with 404 websites with links to amusing 404 error pages. Nowadays Ontario's Highway 404 is commonly made fun of since people going from the Toronto area are heading to the "middle of nowhere" on that freeway.
E.T.S.V. Scintilla - No such file: /404
::: Error 404 : Page Not Found : www.lookitsme.co.uk :::
404 Research Lab
Sendcoffee 404 Error